“Mystified by the Wayward Woods, you have nothing to your name but a single torch.

In the upcoming nights you must make you way through the woods, trying to make senses of the shifting woods around you and other objects lost to time.

Beware, if you don’t replenish your torch by a campfire, you will be left to the darkness of the night’s mercy.”

In the game you will platform and solve puzzles in the ever-shifting Wayward Woods, whilst experiencing bizarre phenomenons.  You must constantly return to a campfire before your torch burns-out, otherwise you will have to starter your journey all over again. Once you manage to navigate trough the Woods tricks you’ll be able to escape at last.

Move with arrows or WASD, jump with SPACE, restart level with R, and select level with mouse.

*Made for global game jam 2023 (Roots) using GODOT and PISKEL*

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